MIXPAC™ Peeler-System
Peeler cartridges origin from coaxial Q-system, but have one tremendous advantage – two components materials can easily be dispensed with almost any one component dispenser for a wide range of industrial and construction applications, like chemical anchoring, bonding, crack repair and 2-component polyurethane sealants. No extra pistons needed. With the new Peeler 1:1 even front fill is much easier as it features a side-by-side outlet.
Merlin’s new cutting edge filling equipment can easily fill the Peeler Cartridge System. Peelers are available in various mixing ratios with volumes of 160, 265 and 280 ml, compatible with a dedicated range of Mixpac mixers and dispensers.
Customer Benefits
- Compatible with almost any 1 component dispenser
- Guarantees high filling volume and less material waste due to cartridge set-up
- Cartridge reliability and optimized shelf-life
- For homogeneous mixing quality and metering
- Higher output to avoid contamination
- Easily to close and reuse of the cartridge
- All-in-one system for a perfect application result